24 days of Rust - nom, part 2

We learned the basic concepts of nom yesterday when we wrote a parser for HTTP headers. HTTP is by its nature a text protocol. nom however always works on bytes (byte array slices, denoted in Rust with &[u8]). This makes it perfectly suitable for parsing binary data as well. There's already a selection of parsers using nom for binary formats such as Redis dump files, MySQL protocol or tar archives. Today we are going to build a simplified WebSocket frame parser.


We touched upon HTTP yesterday. It is not a particularily network-efficient protocol (at least until version 2 came to being). To access a single resource, the following sequence of events must happen:

  • client opens a connection
  • client sends a request to the server
  • server sends back a response to the client
  • connection is closed

The communication is single-directional and connections aren't persistent (there are some tricks, but this isn't the place to discuss them).

WebSockets on the other hand provide persistent, bi-directional connections between browsers and servers. This not only improves performance, but also allows for interactions that weren't possible over HTTP, such as real-time data streaming from the server to all connected clients.

Binary parsing

In contrast with HTTP 1, WebSocket is a binary protocol. It is defined in RFC 6455, there's also a simpler explanation at Mozilla Development Network. The protocol is frame-based, so it makes sense to parse it frame-by-frame.

A WebSocket frame looks like this:

|F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len |    Extended payload length    |
|I|S|S|S|  (4)  |A|     (7)     |             (16/63)           |
|N|V|V|V|       |S|             |   (if payload len==126/127)   |
| |1|2|3|       |K|             |                               |
+-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
|     Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127  |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+
|                               |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1  |
| Masking-key (continued)       |          Payload Data         |
+-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
:                     Payload Data continued ...                :
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
|                     Payload Data continued ...                |

Let's express that in Rust:

enum OpCode {

impl From<u8> for OpCode {
    fn from(opcode: u8) -> OpCode {
        match opcode {
            0 => OpCode::Continue,
            1 => OpCode::Text,
            2 => OpCode::Binary,
            8 => OpCode::Close,
            9 => OpCode::Ping,
            10 => OpCode::Pong,
            _ => OpCode::Reserved,

struct WebSocketFrame {
    fin: bool,
    opcode: OpCode,
    mask: bool,
    length: u64,
    masking_key: u16,
    payload: Vec<u8>,

We're using a custom enum to make possible opcodes more strongly typed. The conversion from a raw byte is done by implementing the From<T> trait. This is idiomatic Rust - prefer implementing standard traits rather than writing custom functions for conversions which cannot fail. Note that from() consumes its argument.

And now for the parser itself:

named!(parse_frame<&[u8], WebSocketFrame>, do_parse!(
    first_byte: bits!(tuple!(take_bits!(u8, 1), take_bits!(u8, 3), take_bits!(u8, 4))) >>
    mask_and_length: bits!(tuple!(take_bits!(u8, 1), take_bits!(u8, 7))) >>
    extended_length: be_u64 >>
    length: value!(match mask_and_length.1 {
        127u8 => extended_length,
        126u8 => extended_length & 0xFFFF_0000_0000_0000u64 >> 24,
        _ => mask_and_length.1 as u64
    }) >>
    masking_key: be_u16 >>
    payload: take!(length) >>
    (WebSocketFrame {
        fin: first_byte.0 == 1,
        opcode: OpCode::from(first_byte.2),
        mask: mask_and_length.0 == 1,
        length: length,
        masking_key: masking_key,
        payload: payload.into(),

That is a quite complex parser, but in the end we'll get a nice WebSocketFrame instead of some chunks of bytes. Most of the complexity comes from the fact that payload length in WebSockets is, well, complicated. But let's start with the first byte:

first_byte: bits!(tuple!(take_bits!(u8, 1), take_bits!(u8, 3), take_bits!(u8, 4))) >>
// ...
    fin: first_byte.0 == 1,
    opcode: OpCode::from(first_byte.2),
// ...

We read the first byte in three groups of 1, 3 and 4 bits respectively. Later on we convert tuple elements to types of WebSocketFrame fields, using our From implementation for OpCode. Since the second group of bits is reserved but unused in the current version of the protocol, we just ignore it.

// ...
mask_and_length: bits!(tuple!(take_bits!(u8, 1), take_bits!(u8, 7))) >>
extended_length: be_u64 >>
length: value!(match mask_and_length.1 {
    127u8 => extended_length,
    126u8 => extended_length & 0xFFFF_0000_0000_0000u64 >> 24,
    _ => mask_and_length.1 as u64
}) >>
// ...
payload: take!(length) >>
// ...

We split the second byte into mask and length tuple in a similar manner as above. There's a helper value! macro in nom that we can use to compute an intermediate value that we will refer to later in the parser chain. The match expression implements the logic to calculate payload length and afterwards we just take as many bytes as necessary.

Note: in a real WebSocket frame the payload would be XOR-ed with masking key if the mask bit is set. I think this isn't our parser's responsibility. A higher-level API should take the parsed frame, decide whether it's text or binary and process payload as required, possibly decoding the bytes from UTF-8.

So let's run our parser on an example WebSocket frame, represented as a vector of raw bytes.

let frame = vec![0b10000001, 0b10000011, 0b00000000, 0b00000000,
                 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000,
                 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00010010, 0b10111001,
                 0b00000001, 0b00000010, 0b00000011]; // [1, 2, 3]
println!("{:?}", parse_frame(&frame[..]));
$ cargo run
Done([], WebSocketFrame { fin: true, opcode: Text, mask: true, length: 3, masking_key: 4793, payload: [1, 2, 3] })

Reflections after using nom

As I mentioned yesterday, nom is my first step in the land of parser combinators. All in all, I find the experience quite enjoyable. Initially I was a little afraid of macros everywhere, but after a few tries I got the HTTP example working and grasped the idea of building up parsers from smaller pieces. This helps to keep code readable. It's also easier to test small, single-responsibility parsers. I need to learn more about providing good error messages from parsers, but there's a number of topic guides in the nom docs. nom seems to be gaining traction in the Rust community, so I encourage you to check it out the next time you're thinking about writing a parser!

Further reading

Photo by Danielle Pereira and shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. See https://www.flickr.com/photos/galeria_miradas/5938100397/