24 days of Rust - docopt

Important note: this article is outdated! Go to http://zsiciarz.github.io/24daysofrust/ for a recent version of all of 24 days of Rust articles. The blogpost here is kept as it is for historical reasons.

One of the few chores when building a commandline program is argument parsing, so that myprogram --config=myfile.conf --verbose -o output.txt makes sense. Some arguments come in short and long variants, some are optional and some are positional only. There are a lot of libraries for argument parsing, some are even included in the respective languages' distributions. In Rust's case there's the getopts crate.

The first thing a moderately savvy user will do is... no, not read the documentation, but run myprogram -h (or --help) to discover available options. getopts and other libraries can derive such help summary for you, saving your time and reducing duplication. But what if it was the other way round? You'd write the usage message, listing possible options, and the tool would build an argument parser from that. Enter docopt.

What is docopt?

The docopt initiative originated in the Python community in 2012 as an attempt to standardize common conventions for commandline arguments. The main idea is that the help message describes the interface of your program. Once you follow a few rules when writing that message, docopt can understand it and build an argument parser.

docopt for Rust

We'll start by declaring a dependency in Cargo.toml:

docopt = "~0.6.11"
docopt_macros = "~0.6.11"

Cargo will now pull the docopt crate along with the macros which are distributed separately. This is a common pattern in Rust projects because macros introduce a runtime dependency on libsyntax (see one explanation here).

In our example application we'll try to mimic the wc tool for counting lines, words or characters in a file. Let's start with importing required libraries and writing the usage message:

extern crate serialize;
extern crate docopt;

use docopt::Docopt;

static USAGE: &'static str = "
Usage: wc [options] [<file>]

    -c, --bytes  print the byte counts
    -m, --chars  print the character counts
    -l, --lines  print the newline counts
    -w, --words  print the word counts
    -L, --max-line-length  print the length of the longest line
    -h, --help  display this help and exit
    -v, --version  output version information and exit

Nothing fancy here, just a long string. See the docopt specification for the details of the format. We want to be able to decode the options into a struct, so it makes sanse for the struct to implement the Decodable trait.

struct Args {
    arg_file: Option<String>,
    flag_bytes: bool,
    flag_chars: bool,
    flag_lines: bool,
    flag_words: bool,
    flag_max_line_length: bool,

The arguments must map to field names. Flags (toggle switches such as -c above) map to flag_-prefixed boolean fields, option arguments or meta-variables map to arg_-prefixed fields. If the argument is optional it can be represented by an Option value. But how do we actually turn the commandline args into a struct?

let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.decode()).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());

Now this is a dense line of code. Let's walk through it one step at a time.

let docopt = match Docopt::new(USAGE) {
    Ok(d) => d,
    Err(e) => e.exit(),
println!("{}", docopt);
let args: Args = match docopt.decode() {
    Ok(args) => args,
    Err(e) => e.exit(),

Docopt::new() returns a Result<Docopt, Error> value. The errors from docopt have a handy exit() method that prints the error message and quits the program. Printing a Docopt value gives us a lot of debugging information. The decode() method is responsible for creating our arguments object and we extract it from the Ok variant. We can now use args as any other struct in our program.

println!("Counting stuff in {}", args.arg_file.unwrap_or("standard input".to_string()));
if args.flag_bytes {
    println!("Counting bytes!");
if args.flag_chars {
    println!("Counting characters!");
// etc.


But hey, didn't I tell you earlier about reducing duplication? In the example above there are two sources of information, namely the usage string and the Args struct. It's quite clear that these two represent the same concept, but you'll need to mantain two separate code pieces instead of one and that is prone to errors.

docopt! to the rescue! This is a funny (for some value of fun, of course) macro that will generate the struct for us.

extern crate serialize;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate docopt_macros;

docopt!(Args, "
Usage: wc [options] [<file>]

    -c, --bytes  print the byte counts
    -m, --chars  print the character counts
    -l, --lines  print the newline counts
    -w, --words  print the word counts
    -L, --max-line-length  print the length of the longest line
    -h, --help  display this help and exit
    -v, --version  output version information and exit
", arg_file: Option<String>)

The macro takes the name of the type to generate, usage string and (optionally) types for the generated fields. It also validates that the usage message conforms to the docopt spec. The validation happens at compile time, when the Args struct is generated so there's no runtime overhead. But most importantly we have now a single piece of information to maintain instead of two.

There's one more advantage of the macro - our code inside main() can be simplified a bit. As the struct is generated from the usage message, we can get rid of one intermediate Result unwrapping; the struct has a static docopt() method which returns a Docopt value.

let docopt = Args::docopt();
println!("{}", docopt);
let args: Args = docopt.decode().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
// use args as before

Docopt for Rust recently gained an ability to generate tab completion files for the shell (only bash at the moment). See the readme for more on that.

See also

Code examples in this article were built with rustc 0.13.0-nightly and docopt 0.6.11.

Photo by Jonathan Cohen and shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License. See https://www.flickr.com/photos/jonathancohen/5272479327